5 Magical Things That Girl Want Hear


Relationship is a beautiful things. It is the union of two people being in love. And the foundation of a strong and reliable relationship is communication. The liberty to express yourself in the presence of your partner is what makes your relationship a real success. But sometimes things may go a little off track. You may say something that might get your partner upset. So guys here are a few things that your girl would love to listen from you. So pay attention!!!

  1. You are a strong person.

Every woman has passed that phase in her life when she had to stay strong against all odds. She had to fight back, and don’t let any of her problems bother her again. “What is so great about that? This stage comes in everybody’s lives”, you may say. But woman love being appreciated for this. The love to be addressed as someone who didn’t succumb to her fears or someone who didn’t break down under pressure. It may be common, but it is a big deal.

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  1. You seem to have lost weight.

The worst enemy of a woman is fat. Chubby arms, flabby legs, excessive fat on belly and hips are a woman’s worst nightmare. And let’s face it, it takes a lot of hard work to get back in shape. So the next time she works out, don’t forget to slip in a good word and say, “It seems you have lost some weight.”

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  1. You look stunning in that dress.

Getting ready for a fancy party or a date? Don’t forget to compliment on her looks. This is what women think of all the time while they are getting ready, appearing gorgeous to their partner and being appreciated for that. Remember, they put in so much effort just for you. They want to look good for you and to you. A little appreciation would make them a lot happier.

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  1. I appreciate what you do for me.

When a woman begins a relationship, she kind of silently agrees to take care of you at certain levels. She does your laundry, cooks meals for your, keeps your home tidy and clean. These are just some of the jobs that she does. There maybe a hundred more, who knows. And she does it all for you, without even you having to say a word. Don’t you think that deserves a little THANKYOU once in a while. And when you say it, not only do you make her happy, but you also convey the small message, that you love her.

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  1. I love you.

These are the 3 words that a woman craves to hear from her man. A clear declaration of his love towards her. This makes her happier than anything else and also makes her feel complete and her relationship worthwhile.

So here are somethings that all woman would love to hear from her man. Well these are just a few, there maybe many more, until you interact with her you wouldn’t find out. So stay connected, talk often and express your feelings. That’s what makes a relationship successful.

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