15 Signs You Are In Love With Him Madly


I am in love! Oh my God. But in love with whom? That guy….who looks at me sweetly and I like staring at him too. Am I really in love? Or it is just an infatuation with illusion? My heart is confused. Who will tell me whether I am in love or just an infatuation? The maximum girl has to go through this situation once in a life. No worry, if I am here. So finally you have landed on a perfect blog. Here are the top 15 signs you love him madly.

Sometimes it happens when you are not sure about your feelings. And at the beginning of a relationship it happens, dear! So not to worry. I know you are stuck between true love or childish love feeling.

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And this time you are expecting a piece of clear cut advice about your love life. Whether your love is for the right person or not? He is the only one you want in your life. And many more questions are popping up in your mind.

Keep aside these confusing questions. And follow my relationship tips on 15 signs you are madly in love with him. It will guide you to make the right decision for your long term relationship.

Signs you love him madly

1. His presence makes you feel pleasant

If you love him silently. His smile, action, presence will fascinate you. Even every single thing or action belongs to him start pleasing you. You start feeling him around you.

That is your true love for him. And this is the first sign you are madly in love with him.

In class, at the canteen, on the food stall, at the library seat, now you want him everywhere. In-office you love winking at him many times. In fact, at the meeting, you focus more on him than meeting discussion.

And this is called love in which you are falling slowly but firmly dear. Even you are wishing to fall in love with him deeply. Your heart rates go crazy when you found him near you.

2. He is the peacemaker in your life

No matter you are stressed, panic or irritated. His presence makes you feel calm. But here you need to discover one thing. You are in love with him or you love him truly. Sound a little confusing? Let me clarify.

If the person whom you love thrills you, his little presence excites you. This means you love him. BUT

If he makes your ignited heart calm means you love him truly, deeply, and fondly. He is a stress buster for you. And he also acts as a sign of peace in your life.

You feel his company soothing, healing, and long-lasting. He is a symbol of calmness. So the man who brings peace in your life is perfect to love him truly. And you are in love with a correct man. Carry on loving him.

3. He gives you the strength to continue anything

The special guy is an image of strength for you. Now he became the reason behind your confidence, power, and braveness. Have you ever thought his advise, action, presence makes you energetic.

You have felt it many times when he is present around you. You can do every impossible task even. His presence is enough to motivate you.

He motivates you to do better. And very happily you accept his suggestion also. You do not deny his single advice. This is your love for him. These signs you are madly in love with him is enough to realize your heart.

Imagine when your boy’s presence or mere single advise can fill your life with confidence. So think what if when he will be all yours. Sound romantic? Yes, dear, he is someone special whom you dreamt of once.

When he is beside you, you became more alive. You feel more empowered than before. This is the best part of your love life you wish to complete. And be with him one of the top relationship goals of your love life.

4. He is your trusted brand

Trust is the most expensive ornament on the earth. Trusting someone, we love is easy. But also challenging somewhere. But trust is another name of the trust. We trust the person we love the most.

You trust him since you met him the first time. Yes, this is love. Your love for him hides in TRUST. In fact, trust is considered the first step in a romantic relationship. And trust helps to maintain relationship goals forever.

You feel relaxed when you have someone special to trust blindly is not is? Hmmm, it only happens when you love him. You will feel like you can share all your feelings, emotions, happiness and sadness as well with him.

You expect his support, advice, care, and consoling. Because you trust him, dear. You only want him when you need a suggestion, or when you need only his approval. This nothing more than your love for him. Trust is one of the important signs among 15 signs you are in love with him madly.

Sometimes you fight like a childhood friend. But soon after a while, you come together as a love bird. Because you know your naughty fight, the lovely argument will you closer to him. This is your trust in him makes you believe in the fight also.

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5. You wish to introduce him to everyone

I know you love him secretly. Still, you did not express romantic feelings for him. But in spite of this, you want to introduce him to your belongings. Because you are sure of his gentleness, his right attitude. He is going to be your Mr. Right and Mr. Perfectinoist.

When you truly love a man. It does not matter he is most handsome or not a millionaire or not. All you wish to introduce him to family and friends. And secretly you want your family to shower love on him as you do.

You are proud of him when he is beside you. His only presence makes you happy and complete. Your family and friends mean a lot to you. That is why you expect to introduce your Secret Love. And in a relationship, it is important to continue this kind of happy meeting.

Somewhere dear girl you are considering him as your permanent love partner. That is why you are willing to introduce him to all your near and dear ones. This means you are in true love with him.


6. His happiness means your happiness

Love means your partner’s happiness, sadness, success means your happiness sadness and success. Now his smile became your reason to smile.

When you truly love someone. It becomes a routine of a romantic relationship. This is a sign you love him madly, deeply, and fondly.

It happens mostly in true love only. If the person we love the most dislike something we girls never do that again. Even now you started sacrificing for only his happiness.

And this is true love, dear girl. Feel your heartbeat and realize the secret love. Now his needs, choices become yours. You find yourself close to him when you modify yourself according to his choice, like or dislike.

And sometimes his happiness becomes your top priority. You get worried when he is suffering. Am I not right? It happens with you a lot of time, is not it?

Have you ever noticed how much your face glows when you see him smiling? Yes, dear, this is true love, which you cannot deny. This is the best moment that happens in a romantic relationship.

This is not your normal happiness. It is something sparkling an amazing and romantic feeling. Which you feel when he smiles.

When we love someone unconditionally his need becomes our need. His happiness, smile, become ours. This is the best part of long term relationships.

7. You check your message box uncountable times

Hmmm, checking mobile and message box million times a day is a perfect sign that you in love with him. I know you do it regularly. Dear girl, are you blushing? It’s okay. It is a romantic part of love life.

When you love a guy very deeply and secretly. You cannot live a moment without him. Even a single minute without him feels you like a year.

And you are dying to see your screen flash with his name. Notification of his name in your message box calms down your craving to meet him. Because from best friend you have gone a step ahead. Now he is your everything.

His single good morning text fills your day with a smile. And a last goodnight-message takes you to fairytale land. This is nothing more than love.

And you are feeling proud in the heart in heart. Because now you got prince charming as a best friend, lover, and partner as well. So what are you waiting for? Go and confess your true love. He is only yours.

8. You wish to know his small life detail also.

Now you are feeling very close and connected to him. And you are willing to know every single detail of his life. Here detail does not mean you have doubt in his character.

It means you want to how did he spend his childhood, what stupid kind of stuff he committed in school life. Because now you care about him, and his sweet/salty memory.

You want to know all his insecurities so that you may heal him. You wish to know about his family members. Because somewhere you are considering his family like yours.

And craving about his life detail means a lot for you. This is true love dear. Good going keep it up if you have these 15 signs you are in love with him madly.

9. You do not care about his faults and flaws

When we really love someone we do not care about his good look bad look. All we love his soul, nature, character. Black skin, white skin, expensive dress, gifts are part of infatuation, not love.

But in true love, you only wish his presence, smile, care. You accept his disabilities also. In fact, you notice his flaws. But your love erases every fault.

When you truly love someone you accept him as he is. You do not wish to change him according to your desire. True love exists in originality. But when it is infatuation, lust or any kind of sexual desire. In that case, we want to mold our partner.

You feel happy as he is. Your happiness lies in his pure soul, not in showoff cool dude look.

10. You secure every first thing related to him

Protecting his first message, the first gift, first movie ticket please you. When you are sad these first memory belongs to him calms down your anger.

Even you remember the moment when you met for the first time. His first handshake and hug, first advise takes to fairyland when you are alone. Somewhere he gives you the reason to smile.

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You keep all the first thing related to him as precious things on earth. Still, you are confused about whether you are in love with him or not. Oh, girl just comes out of confusion. This your love, your happy future. Go and grab him in your arm.

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